4 Strange Sounds From Your Refrigerator That Need Expert Attention

Most fridges generally produce some moderate sounds while operating. For instance, gurgling is a typical sound you may hear when refrigerant boils in the evaporator, indicating that your fridge is keeping food cool effectively. However, unusual sounds may signify that you need a refrigerator repair. Here are four weird noises that likely require expert attention:


Squealing sounds from inside your fridge, similar to birds' chirping, could indicate that your evaporator fan is failing. If the fan malfunctions, the freezer might not keep as cool as it should. In some cases, this noise could be caused by corroded wires. Either way, you need a technician to inspect the wires and fan, accurately diagnosing the issue. Once they identify the problem, the expert can fix it to eliminate the squealing. For your safety and that of your household, avoid repairing your fridge yourself because handling the wiring can be dangerous.


Knocking noises from your appliance could be due to a faulty condenser, or the fan motor could be having problems. For example, your evaporator fan may be straining too hard and becoming overheated in the process. Fortunately, a refrigerator technician can examine these components and ascertain their condition. Then, depending on their findings, the appliance repair professional will fix or replace them to restore normal function.


Typically, buzzing from your fridge could indicate failing lights. Alternatively, the condenser and compressor might be clogged, or there could be loose parts that need tightening. For example, door hinges can become loose and contribute to buzzing sounds. Even so, an expert can replace the lights in your refrigerator to prevent these sounds. Besides that, the professional might need to remove particles blocking your compressor and condenser, in addition to tightening nuts, screws, and bolts to solve this issue.


Loud clicking from your freezer might signify a loose water line valve. What's more, this noise might be a sign of compressor issues. The sounds may also result from dirty condenser coils or a damaged condenser fan. On the other hand, a fridge with a water dispenser can create clicking sounds if there are clogs in this component, requiring unblocking. Accordingly, a technician can examine all the sources of the clicking and immediately fix them.

If your refrigerator presents any of the above sounds, you need prompt repair as some of these issues can cause your appliance to malfunction. Nonetheless, fixing the underlying problems helps ensure that your fridge runs efficiently and effectively.

Contact an appliance repair service to learn more. 

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When you start shopping for appliances, things can get confusing fast. In addition to learning about sub-doors, new LED displays, and strange ice makers, you might also stress about finding a unit with enough storage space for what you need. As a landlord, I purchase appliances all the time for my job, and I can tell you how frustrating it can be. This blog is all about deciding which appliances are useful, so that you aren't left with buyer's remorse later. Read here about all kinds of appliances ranging from stoves to dishwashers, so that you can purchase appliances you will love forever.


