2 Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing A Single- Vs Twin-Tank Water Softener For Your Home

If you live in an area with hard water, you may have grown tired of having to exert extra energy to clean off water spots or unclog the mineral deposits inside the showerhead. Because of this, you may be looking into buying a water softening system for your home.

However, when looking at the various types and models, you may be at a stand-still when deciding on whether a single- or twin-tank system would be better for your household. If so, start by asking yourself a couple of questions about your household's water needs.

1.  Does Your Household Use Water at Specific Times of the Day or Around the Clock?

The first question to ask yourself before deciding on the type of system you should purchase has to do with the amount of water your family consumes. Does your household typically use water at specific times of the day, such as the early morning or in the evening? Or, do they usually use water around the clock because of varying schedules?

If your family uses water at the same time, a single-tank system may serve your needs. Because it has one tank, it regenerates the granules once a day, during which the softener is not accessible. The system can be set to regenerate while no one is at home.

However, if you need water around the clock, a twin-tank system would be more appropriate. While one tank is regenerating and shuts down, the other one continues to work to soften the water at all times.

2.  Are Any of Your Family Members on a Salt-Restrictive Diet?

Another question you should ask has to do with possible salt restrictions your family members may have. To remove the hard minerals, sodium is exchanged to clear them out and soften the water.

While the sodium content of the softened water is at a safe level, if someone has restrictions, it could still mess up their diet. In this case, a twin-tank system would be more appropriate because it blocks the sodium after the water is softened. 

While both types of systems have their advantages, delving further into your family's needs by asking yourself the above questions can help you decide whether a single- or twin-tank system would be better suited for your household. However, these questions are only meant to get you started when making a decision, as there are other features you will need to consider. For assistance with choosing one, speak with a company that offers water softening equipment, such as The Softener Guy LLC.

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