4 Ways To Stay Cool While Waiting For Central AC Repair

When your central air conditioning unit stops working, you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation until your repair company is able to come out. In the meantime, temperatures may be sweltering, and the temperature inside your home may be steadily climbing. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to stay as cool and comfortable as possible until your HVAC company is able to come y and get your central AC unit repaired.

Use Fans and Ice Bowls

One of the easiest and quickest ways to generate cool air in your home without an air conditioning unit is to fill up some large bowls or tubs of ice and place them in front of a large fan. A fan on its own can only circulate air--not cool it--but a fan placed in front of a bowl of ice will blow cooler air throughout the room. Be sure to shut all doors so as to keep as much of the cool air in the space as possible.

Shut Off Lights and Appliances

Light bulbs can generate a surprising amount of heat, so shut of all lights when you don't need them for a cooler space. Furthermore, if there are any major appliances in your home that you don't need to use in the near future, shut them off or unplug them; larger appliances, such as clothes dryers and dishwashers, can generate a lot of heat while they're in use and make your home even more uncomfortable.

Hang Up Some Wet Towels

Here's a seemingly odd yet surprisingly effective idea for cooling down a space. Dip some towels in cold water and wring them out so that they're damp, but not dripping all over the place. Then, hang these towels from open windows that are facing away from direct sunlight in the room. As the breeze comes in, cooler air will be blown into the space itself as well.

Sleep More Comfortably

One of the most annoying things about having a busted AC unit is trying to sleep when it's uncomfortably warm in your home. To make your sleeping situation more comfortable, consider placing your pillow in your refrigerator and taking it out before you head to bed. You may also want to switch out traditional cotton sheets with silk sheets, which are smoother and don't absorb heat as much. From there, you can get a better night of sleep until your AC repair is made.

To learn more, contact a company like HomeSmart From Xcel Energy

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Deciding Which Appliances Features Are Useful

When you start shopping for appliances, things can get confusing fast. In addition to learning about sub-doors, new LED displays, and strange ice makers, you might also stress about finding a unit with enough storage space for what you need. As a landlord, I purchase appliances all the time for my job, and I can tell you how frustrating it can be. This blog is all about deciding which appliances are useful, so that you aren't left with buyer's remorse later. Read here about all kinds of appliances ranging from stoves to dishwashers, so that you can purchase appliances you will love forever.


